I Am Ocean
If I was a landscape, what would I be?
“I am Ocean.
Flowing, ebbing, journeying.
The rhythm is my heartbeat.
The colours of my soul are turquoise, teal and cobalt blue.
Sunlight bounces off the surface of my heart, glinting like diamonds.
I am alive!
Constantly moving within, energised yet still all at once.
Changing, growing, but the same.
I flow and move across the earth’s surface, cleansing the grains of gold.
I wash over; cooling, refreshing, reviving, restoring.
I cannot be contained.
I have a life of my own.
The great ocean...majestic, wild, free!
I am the earth’s heartbeat..
I am Ocean”
By Olivia Alexander ©️2020
See more Ocean art at👉https://goo.gl/t1HUvZ
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