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How My Faith and Creativity Are Intertwined

As a Christian artist, or I should say an artist who is a Christian, my faith is inherently woven and expressed through my creative process.

I do consider myself a deeply spiritual person. After all, I’ve been a Christian, a follower of Jesus, since I was 17. That’s forty something years and it was around about that time I really discovered my gift of art. I’ve created art since then.

Over the years, I moved away from art at times as life took over. Raising a family and being a Mum to four children took first place.

But in 2001, I went through a health crisis, namely burnout. That’s a long story that I won’t go into but I remember at that time feeling completely depleted and empty, depressed even.

Then one evening, I picked up my pencils again as a way to unwind and rest. I still remember that moment as it’s burned in my memory as a life turning point. As I began to draw in my visual diary, I suddenly ‘ knew’ there was a purpose for me in art. A tiny flame lit in my heart giving me fresh hope.

Yes, I would say that was God.

Doing the Hard Work

The journey begins, I trained and study art for 9 years. It was a slow process as I struggled with fatigue, a residual effect of burnout from the years before.

I started to exhibit and sell my work in 2002 and then in 2007, doors began to open for me and my art internationally. The exciting world of exhibitions overseas, international awards and new friendships quickly grew.

It really has been a ‘God thing’ and I’ve watched in awe as it’s unfolded over the last 24 years.

My Creative Process

There are some things that can’t be express with words. The beauty of the natural world is one of them.

Who hasn’t beheld a glorious sunset and been lost for words to describe it. That’s because it’s felt and experienced with the heart.

For instance, when I stand at the edge of the ocean and I look out to the horizon, I am reminded of a sense of freedom, open space and no walls.

Above Image credit: Olivia Alexander

My heart sings!

I feel in that moment an intense awareness of God the Creator and His love for us. The sea with its constant rhythm and strength speaks of it. It never changes.

I want to capture that moment and emotion in paint on canvas and share it with the world!

This happens all the time to me whenever I am in nature. It may be at the ocean, or along the coastal path or simply strolling through a rainforest in the subtropics I call home.

Applying This in Paint

When I begin to paint I start with prayer and music. Creating art for me is a spiritual experience, a worship moment if you like. I create with the master Creator.

It starts with writing a blessing on the canvas, often from the book of Numbers in the Old Testament.

“The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” 

‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Then, I begin to paint…this is the telling of the story, emotion and expression.

Many layers of paint and mixed media cover the blessing, but still it is there. And most importantly, so is the intent, which is to touch, uplift and bless anyone who sees my art.

If they buy my art, well, then I am DOUBLY blessed. What an honour that someone would love my work so much and want to own it. That moves me!

The creating process involves layer upon layer, each a story in itself. Isn’t that what life is like too? Layers of stories and poetry, colours and emotions experienced by each of us day by day.

I scrape back some layers to reveal the ‘stories’ beneath.

Really, I just paint what’s overflowing in my heart, but I am also conscious of creating a piece that people can truly connect with. That will speak to and resound with them in some way and take them into the beauty of nature.

This is my passion, this is my purpose.

I hope this little glimpse into my creative process has been enlightening. It’s not always easy to write about this as I find it difficult to put into words and it’s a deeply personal thing. Perhaps that’s why I’m a painter !

Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime at or comment below.

Thanks for reading,

Love LIV. X


Dec 07, 2024

It was interesting to read your creative process, Livvie. I know you paint beautifully but you write well too. 🥰

Dec 07, 2024
Replying to

Thanks so much Saras, you’ve always been a great supporter of my art as well as one of collectors. I greatly appreciate that 🙏🏽

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