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The Atelier Blog
An Artist's Life

How to Easily Find Abstract Painting Ideas in Nature
Ideas for paintings are everywhere in nature

How to Abstract the Landscape - Part 1
I’ve had numerous requests to blog about techniques I use to create abstract landscapes. There are several methods an artist can try but...

How to Abstract the Landscape- part 2
So let’s continue from part one where I showed you has to use a photo of the landscape, or in this case, of a coastal beach, to create...

Where the Sun Kissed the Sea
In this blog I share the inspiration for these two Abstract artworks and also a bit of the painting process. “As I walk along the water’s...

Diving into Abstract
“Abstract art is actually one of the most difficult styles of art to master. It requires a sound understanding of the elements of design, an

My Varnishing Process- the steps to finishing a painting.
MY VARNISHING PROCESS: One of the final and most important stages of creating an artwork is varnishing. It serves several purposes; the...

Nature Creates Abstract Art
You may not have noticed but there’s lots of abstract forms in nature. I’m an abstract artist and inspiration comes to me from many...

Snippets of My Process pt 2
Continuing on from my last blog and sharing a little bit more with you. So here’s that loose canvas I showed you earlier with it’s first...

Snippets of My Creating Process
I thought I’d share some of my creating process...well actually this is only one of quite a few start processes I use. I shared some of...

Journey- Using Abstract Art to Tell a Story
Above: 'Journey - X Marks the Spot 1' , mixed media on paper on canvas 14x11" OEAlexander ©2017 Birth of a new series I've started...

Variety...the Spice of Life! Part 2
I was sharing in my previous blog about the need for variety in life and how I was pondering why there is so much variety in my artworks....

Variety...the Spice of Life! Part 1
We all need variety right? Visitors to my studio often say they love the variety in my work and I was pondering why there is that variety...

Momentum, a Key to Successful Art Creation.
Hi there, I was thinking last night about the importance of momentum in creating good quality art In this short video I share a tip to...

The Ever Changing Tide
This week I finished two new abstract expressionistic seascapes which I titled 'The Ever- Changing Tide 1 & 2'. 'The Ever -Changing Tide...

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